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Parliamentary Affairs and Open Data Parliamentary Affairs and Open Data

This handbook compiles and organises existing research and emerging/established models of open data practices taking place globally and in the Asia region.

Media’s Role in Anti-corruption Media’s Role in Anti-corruption

Presentation on Media's Role in Anti-Corruption, Panel Discussion on Empowering the Media’s Inclusion in the Fight against Corruption, APEC 2022

GDB Country Report - Vietnam GDB Country Report - Vietnam

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Vietnam provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Thailand GDB Country Report - Thailand

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Thailand provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Taiwan GDB Country Report - Taiwan

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Taiwan provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Sri Lanka GDB Country Report - Sri Lanka

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Sri Lanka provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Phillipines GDB Country Report - Phillipines

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for the Phillipines provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Nepal GDB Country Report - Nepal

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Nepal provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Malaysia GDB Country Report - Malaysia

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Malaysia provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Indonesia GDB Country Report - Indonesia

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Indonesia provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - India GDB Country Report - India

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for India provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Cambodia GDB Country Report - Cambodia

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Cambodia provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

GDB Country Report - Bangladesh GDB Country Report - Bangladesh

This Global Data Barometer Country profile for Bangladesh provides a quick overview of the strengths and weaknesses with regards to data capabilities, governance, availability and impact, and in comparison with other countries in the region and globally.

The MySejahtera Mayhem

Radio and podcast interview on BFM 89.9 over issues around data privacy and procurement regarding Malaysian government Covid19 tracking application, MySejahtera

Highlights on Gender and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam Highlights on Gender and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam

The General Statistics Office data of the Socio-economic situation amongst 53 Ethnic Minorities groups (2019) and the Population and housing census (2019) are used to present a gendered picture of ethnic minorities in Vietnam across multiple aspects: Demographics, education and training, employment and income, health and sanitation, child marriage and violence against women, and their roles as civil servants.

Transcripts Workshop (MP) Report Transcripts Workshop (MP) Report

December 2019 to introduce them to the parliamentary transcripts website (alpha version) and other transparency initiatives developed and maintained by civil society organizations in general which include Open Hluttaw and Myanmar Budget Dashboard.